New York Yankees.
My dad grew up in the shadow of Yankee Stadium. Literally a few blocks from its gates in the Bronx. When he and my mom lived in Cleveland (where I was born), he was fresh out of Brooklyn Law and working in maritime law. It was that point he met, and befriended, George Steinbrenner. The two stayed in touch and Mr. Steinbrenner, of course, purchased the Yankees. We moved to New Jersey when I was two, and that friendship turned into front-row seats at the Stadium for my family a handful of times each summer — plus some visits up to the big man’s office after the games where he let my little brother and I sit in his massive baseball glove sofa. It was just as fucking cool as it sounds and I thank the Yankees and the Steinbrenner family for providing some unforgettable childhood memories.
Years later, at VICE/Carrot/VIRTUE, I was fortunate enough to act as CD for awhile on the Yankees account. Dad thought that was cool. So did I. Here’s some work (everything from TVC to OOH to the tickets and Jumbotron graphics themselves) that got made. It’s all pretty cool, too.
Up there was the broadcast. Below is all of the aforementioned, amazing supplementary campaign work.
CD: Mike Zuckerman, Tim Harrington
Art Director: Frank Garguilo,
Writer: Will Stallmeyer
Designer: Adam Lowe
Agency: VIRTUE / Carrot / VICE
Client: New York Yankees